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Start Preparations a Week Ahead to Move Your Plants

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Moving Plants: 1 Week Before Moving Day | The Day Before Moving Day | Moving Day Tips for Plants

Plants play multiple roles at one's home. They are not only the symbols of greenery, but also the perfect home and garden decors. And most of the times, they act as friends to the family members. If you have spared some beautiful moments nurturing them, you would like them to be with you at your new home. Packing and moving plants may be challenging as they are required to be prevented against possible harms. Learn how preparations a week ahead can help you face this challenge.

Transplant the Plants

Search for self-storage units that are located near to your new house. This helps to save time and fuel whenever you need to access your things stored at the unit. Also learn about days and hours when you can access the facility.

Space Required

The garden plants must be transplanted to the pots if you wish to carry them along. This process should begin 6-7 days ahead of the moving day. However, pots may add to your load and they are quite prone to breaking as well. A good idea is to consider plastic containers that are unbreakable for plant transplantation. Your packing and moving company may supply you with these containers.

Arrange for sterilized soil from a nearby nursery as it is free from insects and pests that may otherwise damage your plants. After transplanting the plants, you must take full care of the plants so that they adapt to the new carriers. Water them regularly and let them enjoy right amount of sunlight.

Make the Plants Pest Free

An important step before packing and moving plants is to make them free from pests. For this, you must learn about the pests that attack different plants and also, the remedies to eliminate them. Bug bomb and insecticides are some of the solutions that you need to purchase. However, you must also learn the right procedure to use them with safety and care.

Obtain Useful Information

The rules for transporting plants vary from one place to another. Some states in the United States, for example, strictly check whether the plants you carry while crossing the borders are free from pests and diseases. You must learn about these rules and regulations in order to be prepared to follow them.

Another thing you must learn is about the plant transportation policies that different packing and moving companies follow. Some companies don't transport plants and you are yourself required to carry them. You must know that no insurance is offered for plants on your way to the new place.

Make sure that you obtain these important pieces of information a week ahead, so that alternative arrangements can be made. Take utmost care while transporting your plants and they will add worth to your new place as well.

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